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26th Jan, 2024


6 minute read

How enabled QuickBooks ProAdvisor Adam to Automate Projects Creation

Jason Vithoulkas

Your friendly neighbourhood Tech-head 🤓

Adam Success Story Image

In the dynamic world of financial management and client relationships, QuickBooks ProAdvisors often find themselves facing unique challenges that demand creative solutions. We are immensely proud to share this success story, which revolves around Adam, a seasoned consultant in the realm of financial software, successfully delivered a client's request that initially seemed impossible to fulfill.

The Challenge: Automating QuickBooks Projects Creation from HubSpot Deals

Adam's client had a specific requirement – they wanted every closed deal in HubSpot to automatically trigger the creation of corresponding projects in QuickBooks. Adam was determined to find a solution, but his initial inquiry with his development team revealed a roadblock: QuickBooks lacked a dedicated Projects API, making the task seemingly unattainable.

The risk of losing the client concerned Adam. Faced with this challenge, he knew he needed to explore alternative avenues to keep his client satisfied and maintain the seamless integration his client desired.

The Turning Point: Discovering

Adam's search for a solution led him to, a platform renowned for its innovative approaches to bridging gaps in integration and automation. A quick call with Shak from the team provided Adam with the confience he needed to share with his client. Shak understood the intricacies of Adam's needs and assured him that could be the missing link to make the automation dream a reality.

The Solution:'s Expertise in Integration, with its expertise in integration and automation, advised Adam that their Quickbooks solution will in fact circumvent the absence of a dedicated QuickBooks Projects API. By leveraging the power of Zapier, helped Adam to create a seamless workflow where closed deals in HubSpot triggered the automatic creation of corresponding projects in QuickBooks.

This solution not only met Adam's client's requirements but also highlighted the challenges that many QuickBooks ProAdvisors are facing in the realm of project management automation.

The Outcome: A Happy Client and Streamlined Operations

Thanks to's intervention, Adam not only retained his client but also enhanced their experience by delivering a solution that exceeded expectations. The automated workflow not only saved time but also eliminated the risk of manual errors in project creation.

As a QuickBooks ProAdvisor, Adam was able to showcase his commitment to finding solutions, positioning himself as a reliable consultant who goes the extra mile for client satisfaction.

Conclusion: Empowering QuickBooks ProAdvisors with

Adam's success story with demonstrates the power of innovation and collaboration in overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges. QuickBooks ProAdvisors, facing similar hurdles in project management automation, can look to as a valuable ally in their quest for seamless integration.

For QuickBooks ProAdvisors navigating the landscape of project automation, emerges as a beacon of possibility, offering tailored solutions that bridge the gap between software limitations and client expectations.

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2024 - | Automate the impossible